
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Shutting Down and Rebooting the System

Command Line

  1. Shutdown the computer immediately (don't power down). Note that in UNIX systems this kind of shutdown means to go to "single-user mode". Single-user mode is a mode where only the administrator (root) has access to the computer, this mode is designed for maintenance and is often used for repairs.
    [root@myserver ~]# shutdown now
    /sbin/shutdown [-t sec] [-arkhncfFHP] time [warning-message]
    -a     Use /etc/shutdown.allow.
    -t sec Tell init to wait sec seconds between sending processes the warning and the kill signal, before changing to another run-level.
    -k     Don't really shutdown; only send the warning messages to everybody.
    -r     Reboot after shutdown.
    -h     Halt or poweroff after shutdown.
    -H     Halt action is to halt or drop into boot monitor on systems that support it.
    -P     Halt action is to turn off the power.
    -n     [DEPRECATED] Don't call init to do the shutdown but do it ourself. The use of this option is discouraged, and  its results are not always what you'd expect.
    -f     Skip fsck on reboot.
    -F     Force fsck on reboot.
    -c     Cancel an already running shutdown. With this option it is of course not possible to give the time argument, but you can enter a explanatory message on the command line that will be sent to all users.
     time   When to shutdown.
     warning-message  Message to send to all users.
  2. Shutdown (-h = halt) the computer immediately. It begins the shutdown procedure, press CTRL-C (break-key) to stop it. After the end of the command you can also leave a message in quotation marks which will be broad-casted to all users.
    [root@myserver ~]# shutdown -h now "Warning system malfunction, self-destruct imminent"
  3. On some systems, shutdown -h and halt do not actually turn the system's power off. On systems that do not power off with these commands use the poweroff command halt
    [root@myserver ~]# poweroff
    /sbin/poweroff [-n] [-w] [-d] [-f] [-i] [-h]
    -n     Don't sync before reboot or halt. Note that the kernel and storage drivers may still sync.
    -w     Don't actually reboot or halt but only write the wtmp record (in the /var/log/wtmp file).
    -d     Don't write the wtmp record. The -n flag implies -d.
    -f     Force halt or reboot, don't call shutdown.
    -i     Shut down all network interfaces just before halt or reboot.
    -h     Put all harddrives on the system in standby mode just before halt or poweroff.
  4. Shutting down at a particular time
    [root@myserver ~]# shutdown -h 16:16
  5. Shutdown ( -r = reboot) the computer immediately. It begins the reboot procedure, press CTRL-C (break-key) to stop it. After the end of the command you can also leave a message in quotation marks which will be broad-casted to all users.
    [root@myserver ~]# shutdown -r now "Warning system rebooting, all files will be destroyed"
    [root@myserver ~]# reboot
     /sbin/reboot [-n] [-w] [-d] [-f] [-i]
    -n     Don't sync before reboot or halt. Note that the kernel and storage drivers may still sync.
    -w     Don't actually reboot or halt but only write the wtmp record (in the /var/log/wtmp file).
    -d     Don't write the wtmp record. The -n flag implies -d.
    -f     Force halt or reboot, don't call shutdown.
    -i     Shut down all network interfaces just before halt or reboot.
  6. Rebooting at a particular time
    [root@myserver ~]# shutdown -r 16:16


  1. Shutdown: go to System => Shut down the computer or click Shut Down on log in screen.
  2. Log out from the system: go to System => Log out [username] of this session to log in as a different user
  3. Restart: click Restart on log in screen.

Refer to:redhat.com: Shutting Down/Rebooting the System
cyberciti.biz: Linux Reboot Command Example

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